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Information and news about Covelano White Marble
3. May 2021

The new mining season in the marble quarry begins!

After a long winter we are happy to inform our customers that the Covelano quarry has been cleared of snow. Our marble quarry workers are already busy extracting new marble blocks.

23. Dec 2020

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year 2021!

We would like to thank you for the good cooperation and the trust you have placed in us.

Our office will be closed from 23/12/2020 to 11/01/2021. The marble factory will start its production again on Monday, 18/01/2021. For urgent enquiries please contact

20. Aug 2020

VESTER DLACIA by Aron Demetz - Monument in Covelano Marble

In Bolzano South, as soon as the visitor leaves the motorway, he is welcomed by a 9 m high and 267 tons heavy "Covelano Marble Mountain" consisting of 26 individual blocks in the form of the monument VESTER DLACIA by the artist Aron Demetz.

Looking back on a long tradition of sculptured marble, Covelano marble has been regularly used for important and large monuments in the past.

The marble for the Monument was quarried in the Covelano marble quarry, transported to the marble works in Silandro for processing and design, and finally assembled by the Covelano Marble Company in Bolzano South.

The Covelano Marble Company realized the Monument in collaboration with the internationally renowned artist Aron Demetz and the patron Heinrich Gasser.

30. Apr 2020

We're finally back!

From today 04. May 2020 we can work and produce again, as well as receive and ship the goods, and handle all your requests!

In the meantime, the road to the marble quarry has also been cleared of snow and now we can start the 2020 quarrying season. Soon we will supply new marble in our factory in Silandro.

As in recent months, our sales team will be happy to assist you in a professional and courteous manner.

We are happy to be at your disposal again and hope that the situation continues to improve.

19. Apr 2020

Important update

Thanks to the declining number of infections with the coronavirus (COVID-19) in the population, the gradual easing of the lockdown for individual companies can now begin.

  • As we have implemented all precautionary measures to ensure the health of our employees and partners, our marble factory is operational again and we will be able to send and receive goods again from this Monday, April 20, 2020.
  • We will also start the snow clearance operations this Monday in order to start the new marble quarrying season 2020 as soon as possible.

For further information, please contact our sales team, which will continue to be at your disposal by phone and e-mail.